Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pilates?

Joseph Pilates was a man, who as a child was sick & weak. He suffered from tuberculosis but didn't let this slow him down. Joseph was curious, intuitive & a physical explorer of his body. He wanted to find ways to strengthen his body & enhance his life.

Through self-exploration & rehabilitation with others he developed exercises for individual people & tailored it to their needs. These exercises were done on a mat & on equipment that Joseph designed. Joseph called his method ‘Contrology’.

Pilates is a concept, a series of movements which concentrates on strengthening the body & mind with an emphasis on core strength. Pilates focuses on proper postural alignment, core strength, muscle balance & breath awareness.

But Pilates is more than just an exercise regime, it teaches you how to move your body, where to instigate the movement & which muscles to activate.

Why Pilates?

Pilates is fantastic for your health & wellbeing & compliments your whole body wonderfully 

Pilates emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength, muscle balance & breath awareness. It concentrates on strengthening the body & mind. We use a variety of Pilates inspired exercises which assist you in your everyday movements, walk a little taller, feel a little lighter, breathe a little easier. 

How much space is required & what do I need to bring?

Online sessions are held in the comfort of your own home. Roll out your mat, reach your hands out, this is all the space you need. Have a drink bottle on hand too.

Pukekohe classes are held upstairs at the Bledisloe Park Sports Centre. Pokeno classes are held at Pokeno Tennis & Recreation Hub, 1 Avon Rd, Pokeno. There is plenty of room to stretch out on your mat. If you don’t have your own, feel free to hire a mat from us for $2.

I can’t touch my toes / I’m not flexible enough, is this suitable for me?

You do not have to be flexible to participate in the class. It is all about improving your flexibility. We all have to start somewhere.

I have a previous injury & I am worried.

If you have any pre-existing conditions please discuss these at the time of your booking. Client safety is of the highest priority. We want to make sure you are comfortable & safe carrying out all moves. All moves can be adapted to suit individual needs.

I want to improve my physical & mental health, how can BaseSix Fitness assist me?

BaseSix Fitness can help you improve both physically & mentally. All classes are a mixture of Pilates, Core Strength & Conditioning exercises. You are encouraged to listen to your body & carry out the moves safely & with precision. Ideally, your body, mind & breath will become synced. You are able to focus & take your time to move through the poses throughout the class.

Do I need to book?

Online Sessions can be accessed as soon as payment is made. Follow the prompts in the Subscribe Online tab to access videos instantly.

Yes, Pukekohe & Pokeno classes, require booking ahead to secure your spot. Payment required in advance via internet banking. Please contact directly for internet banking information. 

Do I have to commit to a block / term?

No, no upfront commitment is required. However, you will feel more benefits if you attend sessions regularly. Come when it suits you & your schedule. Concession cards are available for Pukekohe & Pokeno classes. Please enquire for more information. 

I am really enjoying classes & want to keep myself accountable, can you help with this?

Yay, I am pleased you are enjoying our classes. We do have concession cards available that many clients have found help keep them on track. Please enquire about our terms & conditions.

How long is each class?

Live online sessions run for 30 minutes. Video Library sessions range from 3 mins to 65min depending what video you choose.

Pukekohe & Pokeno classes run for 45 or 60 minutes. We start strictly on the hour. It is recommended you arrive a little while before the class is due to start. This allows you to find your desired spot & settle in before class commences.

Am I too old to attend?


As long as you are able to get down onto & up off an exercise mat you will be fine. 

If you feel you need more one-on-one attention, such as seated exercises or very specific exercises due to injury; then private sessions are recommended. Private session are tailored specifically for you & your needs. Please enquire about our Private Sessions. 

Do you give one-off Private Sessions?

Absolutely. Private sessions can be taken from the privacy of your own home. Please enquire for more info.  

Are classes suitable for older children?

Children are welcome to attend the sessions as long as they are able to fully & safely participate without disrupting others in the session. 

Children grow rapidly & it is essential that developing bodies get the right kind of exercise. BaseSix Fitness offers low impact exercises with a focus on flexibility & strength. Children who enjoy other sports find that adding Pilates & Yoga in as part of their fitness routine complements their specific sporting pursuits.

What a great benefit it is if chidren can keep their energy & vitality, as they begin their journey to adulthood. The breathing techniques taught are fundamental to developing stress & self-managment skills.

We can help set young people up to have correct posture for their entire lives, maximising body health & minimising injury through increased mobility, flexibility & strength. Talk to BaseSix Fitness about helping grow balanced & healthy kids.

I have never tried Pilates but my physio said this will help my sore back.

Yes, Pilates can definitely help those with back issues. In a lot of cases a sore back is the result of core instability. Throughout classes all moves are carried out with precision. There is a special emphasis on core strength & synchronising your movement with your breath. Ideally, your breath & movement will become one.